Other Offerings
The Falcons Integralis learning community is a small group of innovative teachers dedicated to making learning meaningful for students and homeschoolers. Our offerings include:
If your child struggles with school or if you struggle with hometeaching certain subjects, a tutor can help! Whether you are local or at a distance, we can craft an enriching learning experience that your child will enjoy.
Cost: $50/hr for students enrolled in tutoring only, $40/hr for students enrolled in another Falcons program.
For more information or to register, please contact us at integraliseducation@gmail.com
Homeschooling can be overwhelming. So can maintaining a community. There is no need to tackle it alone! As homeschool professionals and program founders, Integralis teachers bring a wealth of resources to the homeschool experience, whether you are operating alone or as a group.
Cost: $50/hr for non-Falcons families, $40/hr for students enrolled in another Falcons program.
Falcons students are also welcome to join the student newspaper team, the Weekly Falcon!
Each week we meet on Zoom to craft a new edition of our lovely newspaper, which then gets digitally distributed to our community. We get submissions from community members throughout the week – anything from science experiments to researched articles to creative stories to new pet announcements – and organize them into a beautifully crafted newspaper, complete with an Editor’s Letter, Puzzle section, and plenty more!
By being a part of the Editorial Team, Falcons students get practice with the editing process, their teamwork skills, and writing for an audience. They get to play around with how to present things in a visually appealing and interesting way, highlight topics they care about in Special Editions (such as pets, parents, or endangered species), and change the newspaper to better fit our communities’ needs. While Maisie acts as Editor in Chief, the Falcons run the show and make the newspaper truly theirs.
Keeping our community strong throughout the summer is very important to us! Much of what we do together this year will be based around our summer book, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, and interests emerging from there. Our days will be short to allow for lots and lots of off-screen summer fun, so we’ll also make time for cool nature finds, intriguing changes in scenery, or whatever else comes up through summertime adventures.
Begun during the summer of 2020 as a way to steady students during the pandemic, summer reading is rapidly becoming a Falcons tradition! Each summer we select a book for all of us to read, and a time for those who wish to meet weekly to read together. This gives a way to keep in touch over the summer, and ensures that everyone has at least one thing in common in the fall, and is also great fun: our books often have lots of dialogue and we treat them like a play-reading, sometimes with costumes and puppets to assist. Some students read the book alone, some with their families, some by coming to reading time, and most through a combination of all of the above. Reading times also give us a chance to celebrate birthdays and share news over the summer.